
Currently a recruiter for a mid-size IT company based with the headquarters in Tokyo. I am one of a few foreign recruiters in Tokyo, if not Japan, that work for a Japanese company.

I told myself that I wouldn`t work for another Japanese company due to my last experience working for the Japanese government in the United States, but when I interviewed for this position, I felt I wanted to take the challenge. The challenge was…to help this domestic Japanese IT company become more globalized.  What a challenge!

This blog is for those that want to work in Japan (especially students both here in Japan and overseas), but have no idea what to do and how to make sense of it all, due to Japan’s unique way of hiring students.  As Japan companies are making more of a global push there will be a need for more foreign workers in Japan so I hope this will provide assistance to you as I share my experience and information on what actually happens during the entire recruitment process.

Should you ever have any questions, need help, or you experienced something different, please feel free to comment.

Sit back and enjoy and good luck with finding a job in Japan!

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